- 1988年中国科学技术大学数学系本科毕业,获理学学士学位;
- 分别于1991年和2003年在中国科学技术大学数学系获应用数学专业理学硕士和博士学位。
- 1995年赴日本东京大学访问进修,从事人工神经网络的研究。
- 2007-2008年赴德国乌尔姆大学访问进修,从事神经信息学方面的研究。
数值并行算法与软件方面,主要研究多核和众核平台上的数值并行算法设计方法与技术,开发高性能并行应用软件和基准测试程序。深度学习算法与编程框架方面,主要研究面向智能语音分析、医学影像分析和基因分析的深度学习算法和编程框架。计算机系统性能评价方面,主要研究高性能计算机系统的建模方法和分析技术,获得各种系统性能、效率和成本的定量评测指标值,用以指导新型并行计算机系统的设计。神经信息学方面,主要基于STDP(Spike-Timing-Dependent synaptic Plasticity)规则的神经元网络模型方面,研究若干个特定神经元输入和输出之间的关系。近年来主持和参与的相关科研项目包括:
- 国家863项目子课题“面向流应用的并行编程模型及其支撑软件”;
- 国家863重大项目子课题“高效能千万亿次级系统上软硬件协同支持的程序并行化方法”;
- 国家863项目“软硬件协同支持的可扩展多核事务存储体系结构” ;
- 国家973项目子课题“可重构片上并行体系结构”;
- 国家973项目子课题“面向高通量应用的高效能片上资源配置和管理机制”;
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目“众核处理器结构上的并行程序执行模型”;
- 国家科技重大专项项目子课题“龙芯多核平台上的可视化并行程序性能调优技术与工具;
- 国家气象局局校合作项目“基于图形处理器的回波快速聚类算法”;
- 国家超级计算无锡中心,“100P系统计算生物学重点软件移植与并行优化”;
- 华为技术有限公司“HPC应用软件调优技术”;
- 国家重点研发计划子课题“高性能教育实践服务内容开发”。
- 安徽省科技进步二等奖
- Gu Liu,Hong An,Wenting Han Xiaoqiang Li,Tao Sun,Wei Zhou,XuechaoWei,Xulong Tang, FlexBFS: A Parallelism-aware Implementation of Breadth-First Search on GPU, Poster in the proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming(PPoPP'12), February 25-29, 2012, New Orleans, USA,pp279
- Xiaoqiang Li, Hong An, Gu Liu, Wenting Han, Mu Xu, Wei Zhou, Qi Li,A Non-blocking Programming Framework for Pipeline Application on Multi-core Platform,In: Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA 2011), IEEE Computer Society Press, Busan, Korea, 26-28 May 2011
- Ping Yao, Hong An, Mu Xu, Gu Liu, Xiaoqiang Li, Yaobin Wang,Wengting Han, CuHMMer: A Load-Balanced CPU-GPU Cooperative Bioinformatics Application,In:Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2010),IEEE Computer Society Press, Caen, France, June 28 - July 2, 2010
- Qian Zhang , Hong An, Gu Liu, Wenting Han , Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Xiaoqiang Li, The Optimization of Parallel Smith-Waterman Sequence Alignment Using On-chip Memory of GPGPU, In:Proceedings of the IEEE Fifth International Conference on Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications (BIC-TA 2010),IEEE Computer Society Press, Changsha,China,September23-26,2010
- Ruiling Dou, Hong An, Rui Guo, Wenting Han, Ming Cong, Yongqing Ren, Localizing Loads Execution in a Data Cache Distributed Processor Architecture, In:Proceedings of the 2009 IACSIT Spring Conference(IACSIT SC2009),IEEE Computer Society Press, Singapore, April 17-20, 2009.
- Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Gu Liu, Guang Xu, Hong An, Wenting Han, The implementation and analysis of important symmetric ciphers on Stream Processor, In:Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA 2009),IEEE Computer Society Press, Manila Philippine, June 6-8, 2009.
- Guang Xu, Hong An, Gu Liu, Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Wenting Han, Xiaoqiang Li, Xiurui Hao,Performance and Power Efficiency Analysis of the Symmetric Cryptograph on Two Stream Processor Architectures,In:Proceedings of The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press, Kyoto, Japan, September 12 - 14, 2009
- Mu Xu, Hong An, Gu Liu, Yaobin Wang, Guang Xu, Ping Yao, Xiurui Hao, Wenting Han, The Mapping Framework and Optimizing Strategies for Block Cryptography Algorithms on Cell Broadband Engine,In:Proceedings of the Tenth IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies(PDCAT’09), IEEE Computer Society Press, Hiroshima, Japan, December 8-11, 2009
- Yaobin Wang, Hong An, Jie Yan, Qi Li, Wenting Han, Li Wang, Investigation of Factors Impacting Thread-level Parallelism from Desktop, Multimedia and HPC Applications, In:Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST 2009),Shanghai,China,December 17-19,2009
- Gu Liu, Hong An, Wenting Han, Guang Xu, Ping Yao, Mu Xu, Xiurui Hao,A Program Behavior Study of Block Cryptography Algorithms on GPGPU,In:Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology(FCST 2009),Shanghai,China,December 17-19,2009